Problems in Casual Determinism

fate[NOTE : William Lane Craig is a committed Protestant, Trinitarian, and “Molinist” – things I do not embrace – but his comments here on Determinism are right on – biblical truth is truth regardless of who shares it!

[Bolds added]

What objections can be raised against the Calvinistic view of “Universal, Divine, Causal Determinism?” William Lane Craig answers :

“At least five come immediately to mind:

1. Universal, divine, causal determinism cannot offer a coherent interpretation of Scripture.

The classical … Read the rest

Calvin and the Secret Providence of God

John-CalvinThis is a follow up of my previous post. I post this because I have come to admit that most modern “Calvinists” are not “PURE” Calvinists. They are inconsistent in their worldview. Here is Calvin’s Gospel from his own mouth. I have not changed the quotes in any way. Read Calvin’s whole book (its not very long) yourself for the rest. Now remember though, everything Calvin is teaching here is a “SECRET” that HE IS REVEALING.


“THE DEFENCE OF Read the rest

God is The Author of Sin


“From this it is easy to conclude how foolish and frail is the support of divine justice afforded by the suggestion that evils come to be not by [God’s] will, but merely by his permission. Of course, so far as they are evils, which men perpetrate with their evil mind, as I shall show in greater detail shortly, I admit that they are not pleasing to Read the rest