Scripture the Criteria of Truth

Clement of Alexandria (c.150 – c. 215) was a Teacher at the Catechetical School of Alexandria

I find Clement helpful in showing how the scriptures already in his day were used, misused, and abused – but are still to be the Criteria of all clementofalex_thumbTruth. We can still learn from history

Scripture the Criterion by Which Truth and Heresy are Distinguished :The Stromata (Book VII: Chapter 16)

“But those who are ready to toil in the most excellent pursuits, Read the rest

On Useless and Godless Opinions

Theophilus of Antioch (b.115 – d.181)

Dumb-For it was fit that they who wrote should themselves have been eye-witnesses of those things concerning which they made assertions, or should accurately have ascertained them from those who had seen them; for they who write of things unascertained beat the air. For what did it profit Homer to have composed the Trojan war, and to have deceived many; or Hesiod, the register of the theogony of those whom he … Read the rest