The Dark Legacy of the Nicene Creed

by Carlos Xavier [source]

imagesThe Nicene Creed is an example of what happens when unbelievers (like pagan philosophers and especially politicians, like Roman emperors) get mixed up in religion.

First comes confusion, since the Creed itself is replete with ambigous and contradictory language.

For example, the creed violates the later trinitarian formula of 3 distinct hypostasis in 1 ousia or 3 Persons in 1 Being or Substance. According to the noted church historian Richard Hanson, “for at least the … Read the rest

The Word – What is it?

download (1)Joh 1:1-5  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and what God was the Word was. (2)  This Word was in the beginning with God. (3) Everything came to be through it, and apart from it nothing came to be.(4)  That which came to be in it was life. And this life was the light of humankind. (5) And the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness did not overcome it.

by Carlos Read the rest

Prima Scriptura, Sola Scriptura and Sola Ecclesia

bibleby Tony-Allen Cucolo

Does the belief in prima scriptura inevitably lead one to believe either in sola scriptura or sola ecclesia?

First, let’s define some terms:

Prima Scriptura is the name given by many as a counter for sola scriptura. The idea is that while scripture is not the sole rule of faith in the church, it is the primary authority. It refers to the primacy of scripture, or that scripture is primary among traditions and ecclesiastical decisions, Read the rest

Servetus, Jews, and Trinitarians

From “Did Calvin Murder Servetus?” by Stanford Rives,

[NOTE: This post is not to argue whether or not Calvin murdered Servetus (whojustinian was a Monotarian), but to show what has occurred in Church history when Governing Authorities dictate what Christians must believe or be treated as heretics (worthy of death in many cases, like Servetus). This has been especially true when it comes to the doctrine of “The Trinity.”

This excerpt is more about “Orthodox” anti-Semitism than it is about … Read the rest

The Ambiguity of John 8:58

by Sir Anthony Buzzard

3bCommentators on the book of John frequently note a certain ambiguity in the sayings of Jesus, especially in connection with the failure of the hostile Jewish audience to grasp what Jesus meant. Orthodoxy is often keen to side with the opinions of the Jews against Jesus. The Jews, it is argued, thought that Jesus was claiming to be God. Therefore he is. But Jesus’ hostile audience is not a safe guide to the intentions of Christ. … Read the rest

What or Who is Logos

by Carlos Xavier

downloadMany assume that the “word” in John 1:1 is a person because in Greek logos is grammatically a masculine gender noun (logos) accompanied by masculine pronouns outos (he) and autou (his).

However, it’s a fundamental mistake to confuse grammatical gender with natural gender. In this case the inanimate object of “word” with an animate object, a human male person, no less!

This has led to the millennia old misinterpretation that John was describing the existence of Jesus … Read the rest